Downhill practice in Sunnersta
Datum: 2021-09-27
Monday 27/9 we will meet up for a downhill practice at Sunnersta! We’ll be at the berms ontop of the ski slope to prepare for the Järvsö adventure later this week! Läs mer»
Datum: 2021-09-27
Monday 27/9 we will meet up for a downhill practice at Sunnersta! We’ll be at the berms ontop of the ski slope to prepare for the Järvsö adventure later this week! Läs mer»
Datum: 2021-10-03
In a city like Uppsala it is easy to find flat trails and not so easy to find good hills. But now it's time to ride downhill, and where do you do that? In Järvsöbacken! On Sunday October 3rd we’ll gather a group of ten people to ride some first-class Downhill. Downhill is a bit like cherry picking the best from mountain biking, you get all the speed and adrenaline that you get from mountain biking, but you don’t have to tire your legs to ride back up the hill, instead you take the lift! Läs mer»
Datum: 2021-09-20 | Plats: Norra flogstaparken
Come hang with us for some nice gathering in the park and to try out fun activities! Läs mer»
Datum: 2021-09-22 | Plats: Värmlands nation
Välkommen på UppX årsmöte den 22a september! Läs mer»
Datum: 2021-09-11
(ENGLISH BELOW) Klättring vid Ålandsklippan med UppX! När? Lördag 11:e september 09.20 till ca 16:00 Var? Vi träffas på Ekonomikums busshållplats kl.09.20 och åker till Ålandsklippan (2 mil) med buss 848 kl.09.35 Läs mer»
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